Because I'm slacking on outfit posts, and because my life is busy, busy, busy (and I'm loving it!), here's some insight as to what's been going on with me via Instagram! (feel free to follow me: @maddiejayy)
Christine and I after her show! |
Megan & I at bible study. |
Silent Planet putting on a great set at Kuppajoe. |
Cut my mom's hair at school on Saturday, and I am so proud of how it came out!! |
Outfit for a little summer night get together with some friends. |
My hair is getting blonder and blonder! |
Had a 20's themed fashion show at school on Saturday! I helped out with makeup. |
Hanging out in Tower. Vintage turquoise choker courtesy of my grandmother. |
My baby, Truffles. PROTECTOR OF THE BALL |
This is my other baby, Magic. Also Truffles' sister. |
Lookin albino. My makeup was on point though. |
Two of my best friends, Demi & Megan. |
Forever looking infinitely cooler from behind some shades. |
My good friend Christine's band, Amoret, playing at Fulton 55! |
Chinese food = Me forever eating way too much. |
Heading out the door in this gorgeous abalone necklace. |
Forever 21 was having a buy 1 get 1 free on all their sale items. I couldn't walk away. |
At the dentist, which I HATE. Nice, clean teeth though.
I've been keeping myself busy with school, and Kuppajoe, and friends. Another random thing, I have been getting a lot of people trying to define my style lately, and some of the quotes I've gotten are amazing! Here's some examples:
"Beautifully eccentric"
"Hippie meets early 90's goth"
"Flower child in the cemetery"
"Glamorous beatnik with a macabre flair"
I died when I heard half of these. I can see where they're coming from though. What do you guys think? |
So cool make up looks! You're really good with doing the cat eye! :D