Top; Forever 21
Shorts; Cheap Monday via Urban Outfitters
Sandals; Dolce Vita Archers
Obsidian arrowhead necklace; DIY by Demi
Vintage turquoise rings; Gifts
Pyramid ring; The Laundry Room
Sunglasses; Random find
All photos by Megan Lane
Hallelujah! It has actually cooled off enough here in Fresno that we're not sweating our asses off when shooting outside (it's under 100 degrees.. This is huge). Always shooting on Mondays at the church where Kuppajoe is held, I swear. So, um, I styled my fringe differently, and it kind of makes my hair look longer than it is, so hooray for that? I just want it to grow out already! Also, apparently my feet have gotten bigger again, because when I was first sent these Dolce Vitas, they were way too big on me. Now they fit just fine. This excites me as these are my favorite pair of sandals EVER. Also, these sunglasses. Someone just left them sitting on the bar at Kuppajoe a few weeks ago. I let them sit there all night to see if the owner would claim them. No one did, so I claimed them for myself. Love!
I also went to the chiropractor yesterday and got beat up again. My shoulders have been terribly crooked for YEARS. So, (it will be a hell of a long process) my chiropractor is slowly trying to train my right shoulder to stay up where it's supposed to be. This could take who knows how long because it's been trained to sit way lower than it's supposed to over the years. At least it's finally being attended to. It's caused me so many back and neck problems, which is no good when you're working as a hairstylist. But other than that, I've been relaxing and enjoying my three day weekend! It's back to the grind tomorrow.
Hope you've all started off your week grand!